
BRAND NEW HONOLULU | A Modern Twist on Downtown Living at Modea

Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant pulse of Honolulu's newest urban development, Modea! Situated in the old Davies Pacific Center, Modea is a stunning blend of sustainable design and cultural richness. Join me as I walk you through this innovative community, showcasing its unique features and the endless possibilities it offers.

You'll discover:

🏘️ Luxurious residential units boasting state-of-the-art amenities and sleek, contemporary design.

🛍️ Exciting retail spaces and trendy dining options, perfect for indulging in Honolulu's diverse culinary scene.

🚶‍♂️ Convenient access to transportation hubs and nearby attractions, making Modea the ultimate urban lifestyle destination.

Whether you're a prospective resident, a local enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of Honolulu's urban landscape, this video offers a comprehensive insight into Modea's unparalleled charm and allure.

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📱Call or Text: 808-367-5988

📨Email: marina.tolentino@exprealty.com

📅Schedule a Zoom call with me so we can meet "in-person": https://calendly.com/marinattolentino


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